Vision & Mission


IPHC Vision

We are called to be “A Place of Hope” and “A People of Promise.” The mission of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC) is to multiply believers and churches, discipling them in worship, fellowship, and evangelism as we obey the Great Commission in cooperation with the whole body of Christ.


We prayerfully value…...

1-     Scripture

2-     Pentecost

3-     Holiness

4-     Christ’s Kingdom

5-     All Generations

6-     Justice

7-     Generosity

God has called the International Pentecostal Holiness Church to become a kingdom of worshiping priests who will worship Him with all our beings – spirit, soul, and body. We are to live lives of worship, continually giving praise to the Lord. Our churches are to be noted for their praise and celebration. We are to learn a worship lifestyle that will model for the whole world what it means to love God with all our might, mind, and means.

God has called the International Pentecostal Holiness Church to become a learning community of believers who give themselves to maturing and maximizing the gifts and calling of each member of the community. We commit ourselves to equipping the saints for their work of ministry and teaching them a lifestyle of learning that we may all grow in the knowledge of God and in effectiveness in ministry.

God has called the International Pentecostal Holiness Church to become an army of witnesses who will live to share the good news. Our entire lifestyle is to be built around the compassion to witness. We are to witness as we travel, study, eat, work, and play. We are to choose our vocations, homes, church sites, mode of dress, language, friends, and neighbors to better witness to our generation.

God has called the International Pentecostal Holiness Church to become a unique instrument of world evangelism that will penetrate many unreached peoples of this earth with the gospel. We are to gear up like an invading army to go into enemy strongholds with our lifestyle of worship, learning, and witness to build the kingdom of God and establish the reign of King Jesus. 

(from the IPHC manual)